We are brass bell, brass bells, bronze bell, bronze bells, temple bell, temple bells, buddhist bell, buddhist bells, small bell maker and seller



Brass bell, Bronze bell, Temple bell

Siam Bell is bells maker and seller in Thailand. More than 20 years experience in Bells business. We produce all kind of Thai bells, such as Brass bells, Bronze bell, Temple bells, Thai temple bells, Thai bronze bells, Thai brass bells, Wind bell, Church bells, Buddhist bell and Buddhist bells (Small bells and big bells). All kind of Thai bells are hand made. We use good quality of matterial including high skill of bells craftman so make our bells beautiful and have nice, clear and resonance sound. Suitible for collection, gift and souvenir, home decoration, store decoration, garden decoration and buy for temple donation etc. We have many kind and design of bells for your choice. Visit Siam Bell web site. (The price show in this web site is Thai Baht currency)


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Line ID : @siambell

Instagram : siambell

FB page : SiamBellShop  

E-mail : siambell@gmail.com


Bells or Bell are a deep bond with Thai people for a long time. When go to the temple, you can see many piece of Thai bells, brass bell, brass bells, bronze bell, bronze bells, temple bell, temple bells. Every temple have brass bell, bronze bell and temple bell. For thai believe, making merit with Thai bell or bells, even brass bell, brass bells, bronze bell or bronze bells you will lucky get rich and famous like the sound of brass bell, bronze bell, temple bell, or brass bells, bronze bells, temple bells. In Thailand, we have 2 kinds of bells. Brass bell and Bronze bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells). Brass bell is made from pure brass, Bronze bell is made from brass, copper and silver melt together. Difference between brass bell (Brass bells) and bronze bell (Bronze bells) is the sound of bronze bell (Bronze bells) more resonance than brass bell (Brass bells) but the cost of brass bell (brass bells) is cheaper than bronze bell (bronze bells) also, durable of brass bell (Brass bells) less than bronze bell (Bronze bells). Some time, we call brass bell and bronze bell (Brass bells and Bronze bells) is "Temple bell" (Temple bells) because mostly of brass bell and bronze bell are founded in temples. The place which we hang brass bell or bronze bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells) in temple is around the temple and the eaves of temple. Now brass bell, bronze bell or temple bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells, Temple bells) not only hang in temple. Thai people favor hang brass bell, bronze bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells) at their home for listen the bells sound and for decoration.

If you love Thai bells, brass bell, bronze bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells) please visit and choose one piece of brass bell or bronze bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells) from our web site   www.siambell.com    we have many kind, size and design of Thai bells, brass bell, bronze bell and temple bell (Brass bells, Bronze bells and Temple bells) for you.


There are serveral words of bells compare between Thai and English.

"Krading" is "Bells" (Small bells have leaf below for wind)

"Rakung" is "Bells" (Big bells use piece of wooden knock outside bell or piece of metal knock inside bell)

"Krading samrid" is "Bronze bells" (Bronze bell)

"Krading thongleung" is "Brass bells" (Brass bell)

"Krading wat" is "Temple bells (Temple bell) or Buddist bells (Buddhist bell)"

"Rakung samrid" is big bronze bells (bronze bell)

"Rakung thongleung" is big brass bells (brass bell)

"Krading Thai" is "Thai temple bells" (Thai temple bell)

"Krading lom" is "Wind bells"

"Rakung rong rean" is "School bells" (School bell)

"Rakung reua" is "Ship bells" (Ship bell)

"Rakung bar" is "Bar bells" (Bar bell)

"Krading meau" is "Hand bells" (Hand bell)

"Krading darm" is "Hand bells" (Hand bell)

"Krading tang toa" is "Deck bells"  (Deck bell) "Call bells" (Call bell) "Dinner bells" (Dinner bell)

"Krading huang jui" Is "Feng shui bells" (Feng shui bell)


...The meaning of sound bells including brass bell, bronze bell, temple bell, buddhist bell...

In Thailand every temples have Bells tower. Each bells tower contain difference bells. Some tower brass bell some tower bronze bell, brass bells or bronze bells. Every day, momk will chime the bells 3 times a day. First time is 4.00 AM. in order to wake monk up for pray and prepare to alms round. Second time is 8.00 AM. in order to morning pray and the last time is 4.00 PM. in order to evening pray.


...How difference between Buddhist bells and Church bells...

Shape of bells : Shape of Buddhist bells or Thai temple bells is tall and slim but Church bells is short.

Pattern of bells : Pattern of Buddhist bell or Thai temple bell is more pattern around the body of bells and the head of bells but church bell is smooth pattern.

Matterial of bells : Matterial of Buddhist bell or Thai temple bell is mabe from brass bell or bronze bell but mostly of Church bells made from bronze bells...


...How to prescription the size of bells...

In Thailand we are prescription the size of Thai bells, brass bell (brass bells), bronze bell (bronze bells), thai temple bell (thai temple bells) or buddhist bell (buddhist bells) by "Kam". Kam is mean "Handful". One kam equal 3 inches meassure from diameter of bells mouth. For example, Bells size 5 kam is mean this bell size is 15 inches daimeter.


...How to casting the bells...

Every bells even brass bell (brass bells), bronze bell (bronze bells), temple bell (temple bells) and buddhist bell (buddhist bells) have the same casting process.

First stage is build inner clay mould bells.

Second stage is tag the wax pattern around clay mould.

Third stage is mask fine clay around the wax until cover bells.

Fourth stage is mask rough clay.

Fifth stage is tire the wire around the bells.

Sixth stage is mask rough clay again.

Seventh stage is wait until clay dry.

Eighth stage is cast the brass or bronze in to bells mold.


...The sound of Buddhist bell...

Buddhist, especially Thai people believe that Buddhist bell or Temple bell is the symbol of Buddha. The sound of Buddhist bell or Temple bell is the sound of soul the sound of inner peace that why every temples in Thailand have Buddhist bell or Temple bell. Some temple use bell sound for meditation. 


...Why have letters on Buddhist bell or Temple bell...

When you go to temple in Thailand and have a chance to knock the Buddhist bell or Temple bell (Even brass bell or bronze bell). You may found some letters on body of buddhist bell or temple bell. The meaning of those letters is the name of persons who donate money buy that Buddhist bell or Temple bell (Even brass bell or bronze bells depond on buddget, bronze bell price higher than brass bell) so they carve their name on body of Buddhist bell or Temple bell in order to get merit.


...The shape of Temple bell or Buddhist bell in Thailand (Thai temple bell)...

Even you found many designs and shapes of buddhist bell (Temple bell) in Thailand but we can cassified the shape of thai temple bell in to 2 shapes. That are

1)  Rattanakosin shape : Manner of this shape is slim, tall and have more pattern on body of bell and have 4 loops on top of bell pattern of each loop is "Payanak" (Look like snake). Knocking from outside the bell by piece of wooden. Rattanakosin shape is favor in temples in middle, east and south of Thailand. Matterial both have brass bell and bronze bell.

2)  Lanna shape : Manner of this shape is flat, short and plain pattern and have 2 loops on top of bell and no pattern on loop. Knocking from inside the bell by piece of metal. Lanna shape is favor in temple in North of Thailand. Lanna shape bronze bell is more favor than brass bell.


...The anatomy of bells...

Buddhist bell or Temple bell (Thai temple bell) even brass bell or bronze bell both have same anatomy. Each part call below.

1)  Mouth of temple bell is the bottom of bell.

2)  Body of buddhist bell is the middle of bell.

3)  Shoulder of temple bell is the top of body bell but under ears bell.

4)  Ears of buddhist bell is the loop above body of bell. Two loops or four loops depond on shape of bells.

5)  Pendulum of temple bell is a piece of metal inside temple bell for knock temple bell from inside.


...Where Temple bell or Buddhist bell are hanged in Thai temple...

The point which we hang brass bell, bronze bell, temple bell or buddhist bell in Thai temple are.

1)  The gable apex of temple. (Chor fah)

2)  The eaves of temple.

3)  The temple bell tower.

4)  Around buddhist temple.

5)  On cubicle (Monk house).


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